About Us

At Voice of Promise TV is a safe place for families and individuals to enjoy faith-filled family friendly movies, tv shows, music, podcast, and more. It is also, a platform to help emerging ministries, small business owners, individuals, artists, & social entrepreneurs share their voice & message across the world. 

A Message From Our Founder & CEO

About Our Founder

Valerie Denise Smith

Early Life:

“I can truly say that Jesus did this.”

Valerie Denise Smith is the owner and CEO of At Voice of Promise. At Voice of Promise is a global company that supports Christian entrepreneurs, ministries, artists, and individuals in their quest to reach the world through social media and streaming platforms.

From her childhood, Valerie saw that serving others was central in the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. Valerie accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior at the age of eight years old. Throughout her life Valerie often declared, “Even when I was unfaithful to God, he remained faithful to me.” After a traumatic experience, she became weak in her faith and left her local church. God drew Valerie back to Jesus Christ in 1990 and during that time Valerie began to serve again; this time as a youth mentor and nonprofit fundraiser. In 1994 he firmly planted her in the kingdom, and she fully surrendered to Jesus. From 1994 to now, God has led Valerie on a journey of true relationship with Jesus Christ. Since her conversion, Valerie had a powerful desire to spread the gospel. She faced several hurdles. Trauma molded her attitude towards people. God in his infinite wisdom used relationships to show Valerie the power of love even when she felt unloved. The separation from family and friends drove her into the arms of Jesus. “It was the best decision God made because the lack of love from people made me dependent on Jesus, who is love.” God taught Valerie how to love by showing her that love gives and never receives. That word alone has helped keep Valerie focused on the work of the Father in Jesus.

Birth of AVOP TV:

At a very difficult period in her life, Valerie was a business owner and came across a quote by John Maxwell that read, “As you climb the ladder of success, look down and reach down and pull others along with you.” In 2020, Valerie rehearsed the words of Galatians 6:10 and held it in her heart and mind. It said “Therefore, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” With these two revelations she felt God leading her to build again, but this time building according to his blueprint. It was not her master’s in business administration, her training at one of the number #1 Technology Incubators in the world, or her experience as a business developer at the acclaimed South Carolina Women’s Business Center that gave her the confidence to continue. It was a word from the Lord. “We come to do the work of the Father in Jesus Christ.”

In May 2020, Valerie’s mom left her a note the night before she passed away. The note read, “Valerie you cannot do anything about what people say or think about you, but you can decide how you respond. Remember, “I drew you with an everlasting love” (speaking of God) and only what you do for Christ will last.”

At Voice of Promise TV was launched in November 2020 and is a cumulation of endless molding and shaping by Jesus Christ. The vision of At Voice of Promise TV is to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Valerie believes that At Voice of Promise TV will provide a platform for emerging ministries, small business owners, individuals, artists, and social entrepreneurs to share their message across the world. We come to do the work of the Father in Jesus Christ.

Valerie has put At Voice of Promise TV in the hands of the LORD and her expectations come from God. By God’s grace, we will make the name of Jesus great on the earth.

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